As the US grapples with the rapid spread of the COVID-19 that has the health care system at a tipping point, a growing number of states are ordering their residents to stay at home.
Staying inside and staying healthy are the very best things we can do right now, although it’s tedious and boring without outdoor activities for a long time. To loosen your stress, here are tips for staying positive in these anxious times.
Cooking or Baking
Did your kids always annoy you when you’re cooking or baking? This time you can invite them to join. Finishing a dish or pastry together will give your child a sense of accomplishment and bring you closer to each other.
Sharing ideas about a book can improve your child's understanding and give you an idea of how they see things.
Cleaning with families including kids can make it more fun and keep them accountable.
Get fresh air- Jumping &Bouncing on a Zupapa Trampoline
You're stuck at home. You're stressed. Now is as good a time as ever to practice. And a trampoline is the best choice for the whole family.
For Kids: All kids love jumping on trampolines. It’s the most effective way to get them exercise and keep away digital games, TVs...
For Parents: Trampolines are not only for kids also for adults. Owing a Zupapa trampoline means taking safety &happiness home. Zupapa trampolines hold up to 500 lbs, parents can enjoy jumping &bouncing with your kids.
For Health: Trampolines are not boring. Paired with other workouts, it's full of fun. Are you tired of regular exercises like Yoga, running on a treadmill, cycling? Move to a Zupapa trampoline. They are a new choice.
Do you know that besides jumping on a trampoline, there are many other interesting ways to play on it? For example, painting on the mat, reading &watching movies, taking an afternoon nap, decorating it, camping in the backyard ... With so many ways to amuse yourself, will your home life still be boring? Certainly not.
All in all, there is a lot you can do to stay sane, active and fit during these trying times.